
문인협회 / 2018년 제 2회 적도문학상 공모

5,235 2018.02.13 03:52


문인협회 / 2018년 제 2회 적도문학상 공모

♣문인협회 / 2018년 제 2회 적도문학상 공모♣ 

한국문인협회 인도네시아지부는 해외에서 한국문학의 맥을 잇고 발전시켜 나갈 우수한 작가를 발굴하고 후진을 양성하고자 인도네시아 및 동남아에 거주하는 성인 및 만14세이상 학생과 청소년을 대상으로 아래와 같이 제 2회 적도문학상을 개최합니다.

♧ 우리의 삶의 이야기가 곧 문학이 됩니다. ♧


♣ Korea Writers’Association / The 2nd SUNWAY(JEOKDO) Literature Contest 2018 ♣

We, Indonesia branch of Korea Writers’ Association, are trying to discover and cultivate the next generation of promising writers and poets who are able to inherit and further develop the traditions of Korean Literature even in the foreign soil. In that context, we are holding ‘The 2nd SUNWAY LITERATURE CONTEST’ for adults, students and adolescents over 14 years old who are living in Indonesia as well as in South-East Asian countries as follows:

♧ A piece of stories in our lives is always transformed into literature. ♧


♣ Asosiasi Penyair Korea / Lomba Karya Sastra untuk Penghargaan Sastra Katulistiwa Ke-2 Tahun 2018 ♣

Asosiasi Penyair Korea di Indonesia bermaksud menggali para penyair hebat yang akan meneruskan dan mengembangkan kesusastraan Korea di luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, kami menyelenggarakan lomba karya sastra khatulistiwa Ke-2 yang ditujukan untuk para orang dewasa dan siswa/i yang berusia 14 tahun ke atas yang tinggal di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut. 

♧ Cerita Kehidupan Kita akan segera menjadi Karya Sastra ♧


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